DevonWay Blog

Top 6 Reasons You Should Join the DevonWay LinkedIn Community

Written by DevonWay | March 7, 2018

Real Reasons with Exaggerated Examples

1. Exclusive Home of Webinar Recordings

Remember in the mid-90’s when the Beatles released their anthology with previously unreleased recordings? It’s like that, but better. Our material is available Eight Days a Week!

2. Networking

We could continue this Beatles theme by saying our community is a place where people “Come Together,” but then we’d worry you think we’d need “Help.” Instead, we’ll just point out that engaging in communities within industry is essential to career growth, and why not come to us to say “Hello, Goodbye.” (Ok, we’ll stop now!)

3. Thought Leadership

Our LinkedIn Community brings together the greatest minds in the history of the universe. Ok, that’s a little over the top, but if you’re looking for big brains talking about relevant topics, come visit. Oh, and we have spellchek, so you know it’s high kwality.

4. Benchmarking

There is no greater tool available to provide insightful, relevant and essential benchmarking as our LinkedIn Community. It’s why tens-of-millions of loyal DevonWay participants have pledged their loyalty to our group by getting a “DW” tattoo.

5. Use Cases / Applications

Look, if you don’t join, there is absolutely no way you’ll know how to use our stuff. Otherwise, you’ve just totally wasted your money, all because you didn’t click the JOIN button on LinkedIn. Seems dumb and narrow-sighted to us. It’s not like we give you instructions or provide support or anything.*

* Note from Legal: we actually do provide instructions and have best-in-class support, but this is a funnier way for us to demonstrate the value of the community and how it will truly deepen your experience.

6. Connectivity to Those in Similar Situations

Consider our LinkedIn Community like group therapy, just without holding hands, singing songs and luke warm coffee. We’re here for you! We all are. Be strong.

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