Work Planning and Control
Minimize risk and ensure worker safety

Workers that perform maintenance, construction, research, or manufacturing tasks in high-risk industries are exposed to industrial or environmental hazards that may lead to incidents like near-misses or even Serious Injuries and Fatalities (SIF). Minimizing risk and keeping workers safe across your organization starts with a rigid work planning and control process that appropriately matches task hazards to relevant controls. No matter how work is planned, the work planning effort will always consider first what the workers need at the worksite to perform their work safely and correctly.
DevonWay Work Planning and Control, also known as Control of Work, helps avoid incidents by performing job safety & hazard analysis, obtaining permits to work such as lock out tag out, and conducting pre-job briefs, management observation verifications, and lessons learned. Ensure workers have the qualifications, integrated work documents, and other critical information needed to safely and successfully execute procedures.

Top Features
Gain visibility into trends and potential issues and causes before accidents and injuries happen
Ensure compliance with standards, regulations, management expectations, and procedures
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Work Planning and Control Process Flow
The DevonWay Work Planning and Control solution has five major functional areas comprised of multiple DevonWay products. Choose what you need—they're natively integrated with each other and with all DevonWay products – and add on what you need, when you need it.
Work task definition and screening
Define, prioritize, and ensure the right stakeholders screen work requests before planning a work order.
DevonWay products for work task definition and screening include:
Work task detailed planning and resource identification
Ensure proper resources and worker qualifications are defined by planning and work execution stakeholders. Reserve known parts (inventory) to individual tasks to make sure they are available for the scheduled, day-of task execution.
DevonWay products for work task detailed planning and resource identification include:
- Work Planning
- Document Management
- Training Management/Worker Qualifications
- Inventory (parts reservation)
Risk assessment, permits, and scheduling
Identify work task risks by performing a Job Safety and Hazard Analysis (JSA/JHA) so you can take appropriate measures to eliminate or minimize the occurrence, consequences and probability of adverse events. Once the assessed risk is known, integrate work permits such as lock out tag out, radiation work permits, confined space, etc. into work documents and other controls to manage and mitigate them.
DevonWay products for risk assessment, permits, and scheduling include:
Task execution and oversight
Provide technicians with calibrated instruments for use on field equipment. Workers can easily document their work task progress so that supervisors and managers can ensure that they are meeting quality, management and regulatory expectations. Conduct management observation verifications (MOVs) with the DevonWay mobile app. Improve communication between shifts with Shift Handover.
DevonWay products for task and execution and oversight include:
Post-work review, feedback, closure, and archive
Supervisors can review tasks to ensure they are properly completed and documented. After workers complete their tasks, they can provide feedback such as lessons learned or suggestions for continuous improvement.
DevonWay products for post-work review, feedback, closure, and archive include:
DevonWay Products for Work Planning and Control
Work Orders/Requests
Risk Management
Work Planning
Document Management
Training Management/Worker Qualifications
Training Management/Worker Qualifications
Ensure qualifications & training meet requirements
Job Safety & Hazard Analysis
Permit to Work
Pre-Job Briefs
Equipment Calibration
Mobile Observations
Shift Handover
Lessons Learned
Employee Suggestions
DevonWay Control of Work software is recognized by Verdantix
Independent UK-based research and consulting firm Verdantix states that “DevonWay Offers a Robust Control of Work Offering For High-Risk Regulated Industries” in their Buyer’s Guide: Control of Work Software Applications (June 24, 2021). The report highlights that DevonWay software supports Job Hazard Analysis, Permit to Work, Lock Out Tag Out, and Shift Management as part of the four key components of Control of Work: 1) creating, approving, and managing permits for a wide range of tasks, 2) undertaking Job Hazard Analysis or risk assessments, 3) ensuring relevant equipment is properly isolated before work begins, 4) efficient handover of tasks during shift changes.

My organization has the bulk of performance assurance issues for the entire company. It is extremely important while working in this high pace/use area that the software functions easily. We have that ease of use with the DevonWay software.

This software was developed to meet every need of a Corrective Action Program and continues to evolve and improve. The ability to customize the software to meet specific project needs is quite impressive.

I use the relationship we have with DevonWay as our gold standard when we work with outside entities. I don’t know anyone I work with outside of NPPD that we have such a good relationship with.